Kobe + Karson

I don't even know where to start with these boys...  Before I ever had the chance to meet them I knew how awesome they were.  My husband and their dad work on the fire department together and are great friends.  As soon as my husband and I started dating I was hearing stories about how sweet, fun, and well behaved they were.  Not to mention athletic!  When I finally got to meet them I realized it was all true!  Well, a few years have gone by and they still posses all those qualities, just greater!  

You can't help but feel happy around these boys.  Big brother Kobe is without a doubt one of the kindest and most polite boys I've ever met.  He has such a sweet spirit and seems to always have a smile on his face.  Not only is he nice and respectable, but he is so smart, determined, and amazing at sports!  He's got so much going for him, even now, and I can't wait to see where his road takes him!  He is such a great role model for his little brother, Karson.  It is obvious how much Karson looks up to him.  

Now that we have brought up Karson... Whew!  This little boy is so FULL of energy.  Seriously.  and he is hilarious!  He was probably diving after footballs and rolling around in the grass more than he was standing upright during our session (which was fine with me!)  I could barley keep up with this boy.  When I needed a little help reigning him in, Kobe helped me by quietly telling Karson to "stop!" and he listened!  See, I told you he really looks up to his big brother.  This little guy loves sports just as much as his big brother and I have no doubt in my mind that he will go very far in life, too.  

My favorite part of the day was seeing these boys with their momma.  I love, love, love when I get to see little moments between parents and their kids.  Whether it be tickle fights, hugs and kisses, snuggles, or sharing laughter, I think it's all so special.  Those are the moments that are worth remembering!  While these boys are very "boy", you can tell they LOVE their momma.  Missy is so great with her boys.  She jokes with them, gives them the freedom to be who they are (even if that means FULL of energy and a bit chaotic sometimes!), and obviously gives them lots and lots of love.

These boys are awesome, and their parents are pretty amazing, too.  I feel blessed to have them all as friends!  I had a hard time choosing which images to share, so I decided not to be picky and share most of them.  Enjoy!