Riley's Portrait Session

Soooo, what can I say about this girl other than she is absolutely GORGEOUS.  You know what's even better?  She doesn't even realize how beautiful she is.  There are some people in this world that are so pretty, on the inside and out, but they are so genuine and pure that they don't realize just how special they are.  Well, I think Riley is one of those girls.

I am so lucky that when I married my husband last summer, I married into a very LARGE family!  So, Riley and I are now cousins!  She set apart time in her busy schedule to let me snap photos of her for my senior portrait portfolio.  I couldn't be more happy with how they turned out.  The weather was awesome, there was tons of laughter and silliness, plus awesome light and great locations.  What could be better?  It obviously didn't hurt that Riley is very model-esque.  :)  She's awesome, and I'm proud to call her cousin.  Thanks, Riley!




Yep, I told you she was beautiful! 

...and don't forget about my current senior promotion going on now through October!

seniors, FamilyKelly LovanComment