A Morning with the Allen Family | Southern Indiana Family Documentary Photographer

I was thrilled when Kelsey and Daniel asked if I would come over bright and early to capture a typical morning in their family's home.  Morning time routines are a favorite for this family, so it was important to them that they document some of these memories especially when their little ones are growing so quickly.  What I love most about these sessions is that one day sweet Paisley and Boone will have these photographs to help them remember these meaningful memories from their childhood.  These photos will bring back a flood of memories for this family one day years down the road, and that is exactly why documenting your family and your life is so important! 

Kelsey was kind enough to share some of her insights and favorite moments that her and her family share.  I hope you enjoy a morning with the Allen family! 

What does home mean to you?

I don't think of home as a place. I've moved around a lot in the last 6 years and have gotten used to "places" that I've lived. But even when I'm there, if the people I love aren't with me, it doesn't feel right. So to me, home is wherever the people I love are, the people I need, the people who need me, who I can laugh with, cry with, totally be myself with.... Home is with them...so maybe even, THEY are my home. 

What do you love most about the stage your children are in right now?

My kids are super close in age, which can be a challenge at times. However, it is so fun to see them grow up right next to each other as best friends because of that closeness. Paisley is super stubborn and determined just like her Mama. She wants to be just like Boone...so I enjoy watching her genuinely look up to him. Whatever he does, she does. They just figured out what it means to love; and, they make sure they say, "I love you" as often as possible. They have also discovered how to give compliments, and that's something that can brighten any parent's day. I just love that they are figuring things out, that they are always listening, always observing, always singing, and they wake up everyday so ready to be alive. It is pure innocence. They see everything in wonder.

Years down the road, what do you think you'll miss most when looking back on this time in your life?

Years from now, I'll miss my kids coming in my room at night wanting me to hold them. I'll miss singing to them so that they aren't scared of the monsters they think are outside. I'll miss all of the kisses and hugs. Right now, I get asked about 50 questions every car ride...but, I know one day I'll want them to ask me about life, I'll be wishing they asked me more. I'll miss them wanting to put on little shows for me, I'll miss them wanting to push the buttons on the microwave when I'm making something to eat, I'll miss dressing them, fixing Paisley's hair all pretty, and I will definitely miss the constant laughter and joy that they bring into every room.

What are some of your favorite moments you have with your family on a typical day?

My most favorite part of the day is when the kids wake up. It is so sweet how they tell us good morning with their messy hair and pjs. I love when they are just playing and they pull out their guitars and sing old hymns for me. I grew up with my grandmother and mom always singing hymns to me and they are truly my heart. I've always wanted to pass the peace that they bring me onto my children, so hearing Boone and Paisley sing such simple words about Jesus while playing an instrument they love....making music....I don't think anything makes me happier. I love how they greet their daddy when he gets home from work and how they make sure he takes his work clothes off as quickly as possible so he can play with them. And, I love bedtime. We read books, we sing some songs, and Paisley usually says prayers for us, which always consists of, "Dear God, thank you for mommy, daddio, boonie, and me. Amen." But she means it; and that's what so special.

Interested in capturing your own family's special moments and memories?  Follow the link below to learn more about the sessions that Kelly Lovan Photography offers.  I'd love to hear from you!