The Birth Story of Hendrix Nash Andrews

Days had turned into several weeks of thinking Baby Andrews would be arriving soon.  How does a mother handle the cycling feelings of anticipation, happiness, worry, doubt, frustration and excitement that come along with the process of pregnancy and labor?  It can be mentally draining but Janene, the beautiful mother in this story, handled each hurdle with patience and positivity as she held her two other babies even more closely, cherishing the last moments of their time together before the baby arrived.  

I finally got the text in the early morning hours of October 13th.  Janene had been admitted into the hospital.. It was time.  The streets were empty and eery as I drove to the hospital in the rain.  The early morning hours crept by as Janene got settled and tried to rest with her husband and sister by her side.  Eventually, their little boy and girl, along with their parents, sat patiently by their side and kept them company as the minutes passed.  There was so much happiness, laughter, and positive energy that filled the room as they waited for little "Squish" to make his or her arrival.  Janene's two babies covered her in hugs and kisses and kept her at ease as the time neared to bring her third into the world.  That time came quickly, and her family gave her a kiss and positive wishes as they made their final guesses at whether Baby Andrews would be a boy or girl and headed out the door.  When the time came for them to come back through the door, they had a third sweet baby to love on and celebrate.  

There's not a doubt in my mind that the birth of a baby is a miracle.  I will never grow tired of witnessing the strong bond and connection between the mother and father, the determination and strength of the mother, and the amount of love that fills the room when the baby arrives.  There are some moments in life that you never want to forget, and this is certainly one of them.  These moments are so fleeting, but the memories will be carried in your mind and heart forever.  I'm humbled and honored to have been able to witness the miracle of Janene and Chris's baby BOY being born.  Congratulations, Andrews family.  Your boy is flawless and is the perfect addition to your beautiful family.    

Hendrix Nash Andrews, born October 13, 2016 at 10:38 am.

6 lbs, 12 oz & 20 inches long

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