The Birth Story of Caroline Sue Adams

“There should be a song for women to sing at this moment or a prayer to recite. But perhaps there is none because there are no words strong enough to name that moment.”

I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing a sweet, new baby come into the world, especially now that I've experienced it and know firsthand how it feels.  It's indescribable.  I also don't think I'll ever grow tired of capturing those precious moments that change two people's lives forever. 

These are the moments that shape you, change you, and open your eyes to a whole new world.  It goes by so quickly, but it will be written into your memory and heart forever.  This is the story of when Caroline Sue came into the world.  and it's beautiful...

Sweet Caroline decided to make her grand entrance into the world a little earlier than expected.  It was Monday and Kelcey wasn't feeling well at work.  A coworker checked her blood pressure and found that it was much higher than normal.  Kelcey went in to see her doctor right away and found out she had severe preeclampsia.  She was admitted to the hospital that afternoon, where she was put on medication to keep her blood pressure under control and was then induced.  Due to the blood pressure medication, she was forced to stay in bed and wait until her little one was ready to make her arrival.  

Monday gave way to Tuesday, and Tuesday morning crept into Tuesday night.  The baby was taking her time.  Kelcey wasn't able to receive pain medication until late into the labor, but it still did not bring her much comfort.  Kelcey worked through each contraction with focus and quiet strength.  Finally, 29 hours after being admitted into the hospital, Caroline was ready to come meet her family.  

A girl!  Caroline Sue Adams was born on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 at 7:46 pm.

5 pounds 14.2 ounces, 19 inches long

Caroline Sue came into the world surrounded by people who love her more than anything.  The moments that led to her arrival were full of courage, strength, and unwavering support.  I hope that one day Caroline can look at these photographs and see how special this time was for her mother, father, and family as they anxiously awaited her arrival and met her for the first time.  She is so loved, and always will be.  Congratulations to my good friends on your beautiful family and precious baby girl!  Thank you for allowing me to be there to capture these moments for you. 

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