Welcoming Baby Harper

This family was so wonderful to work with.  Dylan and Heidi welcomed their beautiful baby girl, Harper, into the world and she couldn't fit any more perfectly.  While documenting this family it was hard to imagine they were ever without Harper, their interactions and connection with her so simple, real, and strong. 

Now that I'm a new mother myself, I love chatting with other new moms.  Heidi shared with me her thoughts about being a mother and some of her favorite moments with Harper and now as a family of three.  It made me teary eyed, because I now know just how she feels.  I've realized that being a mother is like wearing your heart out on your sleeve.  The emotions and feelings felt towards life are so much stronger and deeper. 

One of their favorite pastimes with Harper during this new stage is snuggling... Snuggling, as much as possible.  How can you not love that?!  Knowing that she will not always be so dependent on her mommy and daddy makes them cherish these times even more.    "I love when she looks up at me with her big blue eyes and knows that I'm her mama. I can't imagine life without her. My husband made a comment the other day about this being so normal as if we never had anything different. It's amazing the feeling I have every moment of every day because of her. She truly has changed our lives in more ways than we probably even know right now."

Thank you, Heidi and Dylan, for welcoming me into your home to document a bit of this very special time in your lives.  I wish your family nothing but health, happiness, and lots of love throughout the years to come. 

And welcome, sweet Harper!  You are so loved!

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