Meeting Baby Max | A Fresh 48 Story

This Fresh 48 story was a special one.  The plan was for me to come to the hospital once Baby Max was born to document his big sister, Marcie, meeting him for the first time.  Welp, you know how life goes... It usually never goes as planned.  Marcie wasn't feeling well, so it was decided that it would be best for her to stay home and get well before meeting her baby brother.  So, these very easy going and flexible parents welcomed me into their home instead, on the day after they got settled back at home from the hospital.  You're probably thinking, How in the world were they ready for pictures on the day after they got home?!  That's what I love so much about Fresh 48 and newborn lifestyle photography... You don't have to "get ready."  The purpose of these sessions is to document REAL life... The moments that you'll look back on one day and remember so vividly because it captured true life, whether it was pretty or messy or chaotic.  Those are the best memories, aren't they?  Plus, Melissa and Matt were ready for their sweet girl to meet her little brother.  I was so happy to be there to capture that moment.  She was a little shy at first and not quite sure what to think about Baby Max, but it only took her a few minutes to get warmed up and realize how wonderful little Max was.  I love to imagine the years ahead and the bond that will grow between this sweet brother and sister.  If this session is any indicator of how life will be, I'd say it will be full of excitement, energy, love and laughter.  

Thank you, Gettelfinger family, for inviting me into your home during this especially special time in your lives.  It was an honor to capture these sweet memories for you and your family.  <3 

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