A Summer Evening with the Stewart Family

I can't explain how much I love it when families show up for a family session ready to have fun and put complete trust in me - they don't have previously saved ideas from Pinterest (although it's totally okay when clients do!), they're okay to let their kids be kids (and that usually means letting them run wild), and they go with the flow despite the situation or condition of where we are shooting.  What you won't be able to tell from these photos was that it was HOT this evening. We started around 7 pm and it was still super steamy after a long August day.  You'll see that we played around in a big open field, but you won't see all the bugs that were flying around!  What you CAN see, though, is that those conditions didn't keep this family from having fun together and showing the special love they share.  Anthony and Kandyce, you have a beautiful family and I'm grateful to have been given the opportunity to capture a little bit of who you all are.  <3

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