Parenting Pep Talk + Baby Recap! | Southern Indiana and Louisville Newborn Photographer

Some days you just need a pep talk. Am I right? One thing I’ve learned over and over the past three years of motherhood is… I have so much to learn. Ha! Connecting with other parents that are in similar seasons, or that have gone before me, is so encouraging and helps me remember that I’m not alone in the ups and downs of parenthood that I experience. We ALL experience them, and we all have bits of wisdom we’ve learned along the way that can be helpful to others.

I recently sought out parenting advice from friends on Facebook, and the amount of wisdom shared was SO good! So many people shared such great advice, I’ve decided to save it all and share each word through my next several blogs. So if you shared your wisdom with me - thank you - and know that if you don’t see your advice here, you will see it soon on an upcoming blogpost.

Let’s face it - we’re all just trying to figure it out… Parenting, marriage, careers, dreams, LIFE. When we humble ourselves and accept the fact that we don’t have all the answers to all the things, we open ourselves to receive gifts of wisdom from others that can truly be life changing. I truly appreciate all the parents that shared the wisdom below. Whether from a brand new parent or someone who has been working hard at this job for 10, 20, 30+ years, I know these lessons have been learned through experience and I read your words with a grateful heart knowing that it will help me along my own parenting journey.

I hope you find it encouraging, as well! And for fun (and since I’ve been terrible at blogging lately) take a peek at some of the sweet babies I’ve had the pleasure of meeting over the past several months.

Dont be in a rush for everything. Slow down and enjoy all things!

Parenthood is a crazy, beautiful adventure... every step along the way is worth it.

There is no “right” answer. Do what is right for you & your baby. And as soon as you think you have a routine, they will change it... so don’t ever think that!

This was what my pediatrician in told us: Don’t compare your kids every milestone. Kids pretty much even out by kindergarten.

When people say don’t rush things, they’re telling the truth. Kids grow up extremely too fast. Also, don’t be afraid to discipline. They will hate it at the time but love you later for it.

I'd say, every child is different... And each one with their own strengths. See those differences, as strengths.

*Pray for them.*

Encourage them.

Let them know they are safe with you.

Discipline them.

Let them be little.

Remember that toddlers are not adults - they haven’t learned how to express themselves in an adult manner - meltdowns will happen.

Pray for their future spouse.

Be intentional when you are spending time with them.

Jump in puddles. 

Run in the rain.

Make messes.

Take lots of pictures and videos.

Love your spouse so they know what to look for in a spouse.

Give yourself grace!

*Pray for them.*

Continue to date your spouse. It’s so important to keep that balance.

Don't rush through everyday life. Take time to enjoy the small things. Rocking your baby, reading to your toddler, and so on. Pray for them and pray with them. And don't be too proud to apologize when you're wrong.

Live every day with them like it could be the last .

"Present over perfect."

 The golden rule...treat them how you would want to be treated. Give them the grace you would want to receive when you make a mistake.  This is something I find myself NOT doing and feel guilty for afterwards. When you make a mistake and someone gets angry with you, how does that make you feel? Kids make mistakes ALL THE TIME...sometimes they know better, but sometimes they don’t, or it was truly an accident. This is something I have to work on and remind myself all the time. I still fail miserably, probably daily, but I try and try to apologize to them when I overreact or don’t give them the grace they need and deserve.

Just teach them to be kind to other people, please and thank you go a long way.

It’s all a phase - the good. The bad. The heart wrenching. Every bit of it. If you find yourself in a spot that feels really hard know that soon you will be past it, and when you find yourself in a stage that fills your heart to the brim know that it too will end quicker than you would like. So, as cliche and difficult as it is to goes fast. Enjoy it.

You can’t spoil them with too many snuggles or love 💕

I cherish always having supper together every night at the dining room table where we could just be together along with movie nights every Sunday and game night every Wednesday. I will never forget those special times where nothing interrupted us.

It’s ok to be bored, just staring out the window of the car. Teach genuine kindness and compassion for others 💗

My husband said this a while back - DONT BUY SNAP PJS!!! Go for the zipper! You will thank him later... Amazing advice. 😂